Marquee #7: Multiple Messages
This script loads changing messages at three-second intervals.
The createMsgs() populates the
msgs array. The msgcounter
keeps track of the current message. It uses modulus to
flip back to zero when it reaches the maximum count.
Here, five seconds is created by "ticking" the watch
10times over half-second intervals because on some platforms,
the status line resets at mouse moves.
// populate the message array
function createMsgs()
this[0] = "YOUR MESSAGE #1"
this[1] = "YOUR MESSAGE #2"
this[2] = "YOUR MESSAGE #3"
this[3] = "YOUR MESSAGE #4"
this[4] = "YOUR MESSAGE #5"
return this
var msgs=createMsgs()
var msgcounter = 0
var ticks = 0
var MSGS = 5
// Change the message if we've "ticked" out
function setMessage()
// redraw the current status
window.status = msgs[msgcounter]
// tick. See if it is time to change the message
if (ticks == 10)
msgcounter = (msgcounter + 1) % MSGS
ticks = 0
// set the next time out
JSCTimeOutID = window.setTimeout('setMessage()',500)
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